my newest collection, the days expand and so do i, was inspired by the shift in energy that comes with spring. our bodies seem to have a way of mirroring nature: craving seasons of rest until, eventually, we’re ready to flourish. in the midst of hard times, this temporary nature can offer deep comfort. in times of contentment or even flourishing, it urges us to really slow down and savor what’s in front of us.

as spring began to re-emerge, i noticed a shift, not only in my energy and mindset, but in my studio practice as well. more specifically, i began to incorporate a lot of play and exploration: mixing up cotton candy hues, stitching favorite details together, adding accents of bubble gum pink thread, moving my practice outside, painting with my hands, scrunching canvas and allowing it to dry/fade in the sun. i hope that this sentiment and the paintings that followed resonate with you as much as they do with me. may this collection serve as a symbol of abundance, expansion, and hope for what’s ahead.